Color distribution

I was playing the first level and only lost because there weren't enough cyan houses. For some reason the game kept spawning red and yellow houses while spawning cyan destinations.

Cyan: 8 houses : 4 destinations
Yellow: 16 houses : 3 destinations
Red: 12 houses : 3 destinations

Here's a screenshot mid-game even after joining all the houses they couldn't keep up, traffic never stopped either.

spielerinchen replied to Color distribution December 3, 2021 @ 2:29:55 am PST
spielerinchen replied to Color distribution December 3, 2021 @ 2:29:55 am PST

you lost because you interconnected

your reasoning is to interconnect as the solution to the shortage
but this is the opposite of what you have to do
cause every seregation in MM is good
every interconnection is bad
so you have not only to segregate between the colors
but also to segregate among destinations

here my Minimal Guide to MM
where Rule #1 is - color segregation
but Rule #2 is - destination segregation
a) nearer means faster or
b) via motorway

be efficient
one house is able to supply a near destination
the longer the connection, the more houses you need to supply a destination

interconnections are bad, because every intersection slows down traffic flow, which means you need more cars where two would have been enough

if you interconnect different colors, then the colors slow each other down
if you interconnect different destinations, then the AI sends the next available car to the next call of a destination, which can be the longest way possible

& if a ping starts, doesn't mean the run is over,
it doesn't necessarily end even if the ping is pinging through the whole week
you have to A) segregate
B) hope for helpful RNG spawns
C) hope for helpful weekly additions

IconiX replied to Color distribution December 3, 2021 @ 3:35:01 am PST
IconiX replied to Color distribution December 3, 2021 @ 3:35:01 am PST

If you're talking about the roundabout it was only there for a bit then was removed because it did nothing, it was a straight road for the cyan cars.

The 4 yellow houses supplied the 2 left yellow destinations. The cyan houses were connected to their destinations by their separate road. Cyan was completely segregated.

I literally had double the yellow houses for fewer destinations, the clump of yellows in the top-right wasn't even connected to anything and i had no problem with yellows. I thought I had to connect them to stop spawning more.

I appreciate your tips but I was more-so talking about the skewed color spawning.

Docsprock replied to Color distribution December 3, 2021 @ 11:12:01 am PST
Docsprock replied to Color distribution December 3, 2021 @ 11:12:01 am PST

The ratio of house/store being 2/1 should be fine, it is minimal. Dont worry if other colors have more than that ratio.

What spielerinchen said though is true. If your blues have that 2/1 ratio, then you should concentrate on streamlining and isolating those routes.

spielerinchen replied to Color distribution December 4, 2021 @ 5:56:08 am PST
spielerinchen replied to Color distribution December 4, 2021 @ 5:56:08 am PST

Originally posted by IconiX:
If you're talking about the roundabout it was only there for a bit then was removed because it did nothing, it was a straight road for the cyan cars.

The 4 yellow houses supplied the 2 left yellow destinations. The cyan houses were connected to their destinations by their separate road. Cyan was completely segregated.

I literally had double the yellow houses for fewer destinations, the clump of yellows in the top-right wasn't even connected to anything and i had no problem with yellows. I thought I had to connect them to stop spawning more.

I appreciate your tips but I was more-so talking about the skewed color spawning.
no, i am not talking about the roundabout
you have interconnected two reds to each other, you have interconnected two yellow with dark blue & all the light blue, which causes all the yellow cars interfering with the light blue
i understand what you mean by too few light blue
with 6 light blue houses for the 4 destinations you are not able to give every destination 2
that's why i wrote, one house nearby is often enough to keep a destination afloat for a longer period of time
& yes, one of the game's difficulties, challenges is to spawn very skimpy one color, while you get a lot of another, that's how the challenges are designed, it's not an error, it's not accidental, it's programmed to be that way

& again
to remedy a shortage of light blue houses by interconnecting them all & to the yellow & to the dark blue was the quickest way to a game over & not any alleviation, because of the way how the AI works (described in my previous post)
the remedy to shortage can only be segregation, is always segregation
the only option where you interconnect is lack of roads, lack of space, lack of motorways io to segregate properly, then you must interconnect & then you know this might be the root cause of your future game over

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