Poly Bridge 2 Review Like Water Under the Bridge | Gaming Nexus

Gaming Nexus says: Im not going to lie, the game gets a laugh out of me every now and then when my bridge breaks and the driver of the vehicle just drives into the water anyway.

7:00 pm, June 2, 2020

Poly Bridge 2 is pretty much more Poly Bridge | Entertainium

Its not easy designing a bridge under a budget, so heres another go at doing it if you missed Dry Cactus lovely little game the first time around.

9:00 pm, May 29, 2020

Review: Poly Bridge 2 (Steam) |GLG

The acclaimed bridge-building indie-hit is back! More levels, more features, more physics fun. New levels, new mechanics, a custom physics engine, workshop campaigns, and much more.

10:33 am, May 29, 2020

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